Publication Fees

Publication Charges and Waiver Policy

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  • Authors from Low Income Countries: NIL

  • The Ci-STEM Journal of Digital Technologies and Expert Systems is an open access journal with no subscription charges. No fee is payable by the author or research funder to cover the costs associated with the publication. It is also ensured that the article published shall be immediately and permanently free to access by everyone. The corresponding author will never be asked to pay any processing charges when the article is accepted, processed, reviewed and authorized for publication.

    Publication Fee Waivers

    We understand that some potential authors, students, or institutions may have limited funding for their research activities. Hence, to support researchers who choose to publish their manuscripts in the Ci-STEM Journal of Digital Technologies and Expert Systems , the publishers has decided the Fee required should not prevent authors from disseminating knowledge through the publication of high-quality research articles without any publication charges. We are constantly working to publish high-quality research articles without putting undue financial strain on researchers or their institutions.

    Other fees

    Ci-STEM Journal of Digital Technologies and Expert Systems declares that this Journal is a FREE Journal and NO charges shall be collected under any circumstances including editorial processing charges, language editing fees, colour charges, submission fees, page charges, membership fees, print subscription costs, other supplementary charges. No charges will be asked from the authors.